Thursday, October 25, 2007

Table Variables Use Tempdb

create table #t(a int)
select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name not like 'sys%'
drop table #t
declare @t table(a int)
select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name not like 'sys%'

Now remove the GO and run it again. Notice that the table variable exists in tempdb during the first select! This is generically in computer programming called hoisting (and see more interesting related stuff).

The query engine decides how much to put in tempdb and how much to keep in memory. Some reports I've read say that the data always lives in memory, but others say that tempdb can be used for some of the data. What I'm taking away is that, while there is always the possibility that your table variable will live only in memory, it is not guaranteed. But using a table at all will always incur a performance hit. And consuming too much RAM can be as much a detriment to a server as consuming too much tempdb space.

Create a correlated subquery and put it in the SELECT list of a simple query against a many-row table that has a clustered index, and put a literal derived table in the subquery that UNION ALL SELECTS the numbers 1 through 10. It doesn't matter what the subquery does as long as it logically runs once for each row in the main query's table (it has a reference to a column from the main table).

Now create a table variable and insert the same numbers 1 through 10 and modify the correlated subquery to use the table variable instead of the UNION list. Compare execution plans and traces. Note that the first query has 10 constant scans in it, repeated as many times as there are rows, but the number of reads are close to the number of pages in the physical table.

The second query has no constant scans in it, but the number of reads is now closer to the number of rows in the physical table.

You cannot think of table variables as no-cost, memory only, super-fast objects with no side effects. They are not. They have side effects that can very nearly be main effects.

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