Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The 3 Millisecond Datetime Trick Is Dead

At times I've used my knowledge that SQL Server 2000 stores datetimes to a precision of 1/300th of a millisecond (I won't go into full details here). Here are some examples:

If @StartDate and @EndDate have already had their time portions removed (or guaranteed to have none) I might do this:

WHERE DateCol BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate - '0:00:00.003'

or perhaps

WHERE DateCol BETWEEN @TheDate AND @TheDate + '23:59:59.997'

But I realized today that these tricks, though cool and interesting, and while perhaps reducing the amount of code or increasing readability, assume that the data type of DateCol will never change. That doesn't sound so bad since the only alternative is smalldatetime, right? Not for long.

In SQL Server 2008, the TIME, datetimeoffset, and datetime2 data types will have 100 nanosecond precision. It's not a bad bet that somewhere, some time, someone's going to be converting one of the datetime columns I was querying against to one of those. And then all my code written in this sort of style is going to break big-time.

And this is the kind of nasty break that doesn't bring all systems to a screeching halt (which has the benefit of notifying you that something is wrong) but lets you keep running your processes for days or weeks or months, until eventually something slips through that 3 millisecond hole or accumulates enough to be noticeable. Something critical, something important, something I should have thought about before using this kind of technique.

From now on I will be a good camper and deal with the pain of

WHERE DateCol >= @StartDate AND DateCol < @EndDate
WHERE DateCol >= @TheDate AND DateCol < (@TheDate + 1)

since they work no matter what the data type of DateCol is.

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